
KING’S CROSS CHURCH exists to glorify God and enlarge His Kingdom by gathering regularly to proclaim and celebrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, yielding to the authority of God’s Word as illuminated by the Holy Spirit and summarized in the historic Christian Creeds and Reformed Confessions, partaking together of Christ’s presence in the Sacraments, providing opportunities to love and serve one another in Community, equipping the saints for Ministry to those who are lost and hurting, both locally and globally, and preparing them to cultivate Shalom (peace and well-being) wherever God calls them to serve.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Getting the Psalms into Your Bones

If you're anything like us, you are constantly on the hunt for ways to get the Psalms "into your bones." Ellen and I have been listening to "My Soul Among Lions" renditions of the first ten psalms and we are happy to report that these divinely inspired hymns/prayers are quickly burrowing themselves into our souls and sidling, unbidden, into our thoughts as we move through our daily routines. The album is available on iTunes or here. Here is a little taste. Enjoy. GH

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