(Matthew 16:16) Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
We tend to read and understand Peter's declaration that Jesus was "the Son of the living God" as proof of Jesus' divinity. But, as always, we need to "Go to Jerusalem before we go to Wenatchee." In other words we need to ask ourselves what Peter meant, and how the other disciples would have heard and understood Peter's words.
In the Old Testament, "son of God" indicated rule/kingship, not divinity. Note how Yahweh refers to Solomon as He gives instructions to David regarding the building of the great Temple in Jerusalem:
(1 Chronicles 28:6–7) He said to me, ‘It is Solomon your son who shall build my house and my courts, for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father. I will establish his kingdom forever if he continues strong in keeping my commandments and my rules, as he is today.’
So, Peter's answer to Jesus question, "Who do you say that I am?" was an indication that Peter finally understood what Jesus had been saying from the very beginning of his ministry (Matt. 4:17): that the much-anticipated kingdom of God had broken into a broken world and that he, Jesus, was the long- awaited king of that kingdom. Good news indeed!
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