
KING’S CROSS CHURCH exists to glorify God and enlarge His Kingdom by gathering regularly to proclaim and celebrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, yielding to the authority of God’s Word as illuminated by the Holy Spirit and summarized in the historic Christian Creeds and Reformed Confessions, partaking together of Christ’s presence in the Sacraments, providing opportunities to love and serve one another in Community, equipping the saints for Ministry to those who are lost and hurting, both locally and globally, and preparing them to cultivate Shalom (peace and well-being) wherever God calls them to serve.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Sunday, October 2 Worship

“In the Book of Psalms there is profit for all, with healing power for our salvation. There is instruction from history, teaching from the law, prediction from prophecy, chastisement from denunciation, persuasion from moral preaching. All who read it may find the cure for their own individual failings. All with eyes to see can discover in it a complete gymnasium for the soul, a stadium for all the virtues, equipped for every kind of exercise; it is for each to choose the kind he judges best to help him gain the prize” (From Ambrose of Milan’s Commentary an Psalm 1:4,8)

KXCers, I’m really looking forward to the Lord’s Service tomorrow morning. We have the privilege of putting the invisible “tattoo” of the New Covenant on Eleanor Monnette, and you will have the privilege of testifying of God’s love for her with your, “To you, little child…” Then in the sermon we will consider how a well-crafted liturgy not only preaches the Gospel every week, but actually trains us to live in accordance with it. We will see how, much like Ambrose said of the psalms, the liturgy is a “gymnasium for the soul." I’ll see you on Mt. Zion.

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