
KING’S CROSS CHURCH exists to glorify God and enlarge His Kingdom by gathering regularly to proclaim and celebrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, yielding to the authority of God’s Word as illuminated by the Holy Spirit and summarized in the historic Christian Creeds and Reformed Confessions, partaking together of Christ’s presence in the Sacraments, providing opportunities to love and serve one another in Community, equipping the saints for Ministry to those who are lost and hurting, both locally and globally, and preparing them to cultivate Shalom (peace and well-being) wherever God calls them to serve.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Lectionary Thoughts: 1-2 Samuel

In 1 Samuel 17:40, the prophet records that David “chose five smooth stones” as he prepared for battle with Goliath. Have you ever wondered why David thought he need five stones? In 2 Samuel 21:19-22, the prophet records that David and his men killed five giants; one giant man and his four giant sons, one of which was Goliath.

Two things seem unlikely. 1) That five stones and five giants is just a coincidence. And 2) that Goliath’s super-sized kin were unknown to Israel and David. It’s kinda hard to keep something like that a secret.

So, it would seem that David selected five stones from the brook thinking that it was very likely that he would have to face Goliath’s four avengers-of-blood after he had dispatched the Philistine’s champion.

In this narrative, as Jesus asserted in Luke 24, Jesus is the one pointed to in David’s faithful warfare. Jesus who defeated the giant of sin/death on our behalf, and then immediately readied himself to go after lust, injustice, racism, poverty, disease, demon-possession, etc.

Samuel records that David ran to meet Goliath in battle. And so it is with your Savior, Christian. Jesus runs to meet and defeat your enemies. All of them. So simply look to him and believe. It’s not your place to be a modern-day David. But it is your place to trust in the victory that Jesus secured in his death/resurrection and continues to work out by the power of his Spirit.

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