Act I: Jesus calls his first disciples and promises them that if they follow him, he will make them "fishers of men" (Mark 1:17).
Act II: After a night of fruitless fishing, Jesus directs these same men to cast their net on the right side of the boat producing a haul of fish that strained the nets to the point of breaking (John 21:6-11). And recall that in the Old Testament, the sea/sea creatures were associated with the Gentile nations/Gentiles.
Act III: As Peter preaches to the Gentile Cornelius and his household the Holy Spirit falls upon them and they are gathered into the family of God via baptism (Acts 10:44-48). Although Paul is known as the "Apostle to the Gentiles", it was Peter who landed the first "fishes" from the Gentile sea just as Jesus had foretold and foreshadowed.
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